About me

The thing with the horns always bugged me when people talked about Vikings, just as it bugs me when people talk about the Celts they immediately come up with druids and magic and new age and treehugging. There is so much more to discover! Some of it has to do with magic and monsters and the Other World. Some things, however, are more mundane – take for example boardgames. We still play them on cold winter nights. What can we find within stories about these boardgames? When are these boardgames used and for what reason?

Abstract: Female, MA in Celtic studies with a minor in Viking (and Scandinavian) studies. Currently working as an Energy consultant and human factors researcher for a railway company-  it is a challenge to find the time to do my own research.

3 responses to “About me”

  1. hoi Chrisje,

    wat leuk ik was aan het googelen en kwam dit tegen. ik moest je een berichtje sturen. We zullen vaker lezen en zijn nieuwsgierig naar wat er volgt.

  2. Morten Lilleören Avatar
    Morten Lilleören

    I try to get in touch with you – mutual interests?!



  3. Arie van Den Dool Avatar
    Arie van Den Dool

    Hi Christel
    I Made the boardgame Hnefatafl myself including rules, box, gameboard and wooden warriors
    Please give me your e-mail adress and I will send some pictures
    Price € 35.-

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